Winter Operations
Snow Plowing
During the winter months, the Town of Prescott's plows work continuously during snowfalls to clear approximately 32 kilometres of roadway and 40,617 square metres of sidewalks. The Operations team strives to provide safe and passable winter road and sidewalk conditions for vehicles and pedestrians within Town.
The Town of Prescott follows the Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways, O. Reg. 239/02. Operations staff patrol and maintain the roads regularly based on priority. All roads in Ontario are rated as a Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4, Class 5 or Class 6 based on the speed limit that applies to the road and the average daily traffic. Class 1 roads are the highest priority and Class 6 roads are the lowest priority. Prescott has Class 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 roads only.
If you would like to report a snow related concern on Town roads, please call 613-925-2812 X 6219. For after-hours road emergencies, please phone 1-855-229-5764 to connect with our answering service.
Winter Parking Lots and Fees
Winter parking restrictions are in effect from November 1st to March 31st.
All vehicles must be off the street between 12 a.m. – 7 a.m. as per By-law 47-2017 section 7.13
Permit parking is available in the following locations:
(This lot is located North East of marina building, signed area)
Monthly: $30 + HST = $33.90
Daily Rate: $5 + HST= $5.65
(Town Hall Municipal Lot, Leo Boivin Centre Lot, Tennis Court Lots)
Monthly: $50.00 + HST = $56.50
Daily Rate: $10.00 + HST = $11.30
Paved Lots
- Town Hall Municipal Lot (North End lot off James St W, signed area)
- Leo Boivin Centre (South End of building along Dibble St W, signed area)
- Tennis Court (North of Corrine St starting at East end, signed area)
Gravel Lot
- North East of Marina Building (signed area)
Snow Plowing Frequently Asked Questions
No. The municipality clears primary and some secondary roads first to ensure that emergency services can gain access throughout the municipality. These are the roads that carry the higher volumes of traffic and are the roads people use to get to business areas. Residential streets are plowed only after primary and secondary roads are cleared.
Primary, secondary, and residential roads are defined by Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways, O. Reg. 239/02. Primary roads are generally those with the highest speeds and greatest volume of traffic. Secondary roads have less traffic and generally lead to primary roads. The remainder of roads are classified as residential.
Sand/Salt trucks are dispatched at the first sign of roads beginning to ice.
When snow accumulation reaches 8 cm, the Municipality plows primary and secondary roads. The Town of Prescott follows the provincially prescribed standards for winter maintenance (Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways, O. Reg. 239/02). Our team always strives to exceed the minimum requirements!
A windrow is a snow/ice deposit across driveways and laneways as a result of snow plowing operations. We will do our best at reducing the extent of these windrows; however, windrows will still result from our snow plowing operations. Please keep in mind that in order for the Municipality to maintain efficiency we cannot remove these windrows and these are the responsibility of the resident.
Plow operators do not intentionally block driveways, but they have limited control over the amount and direction of snow that comes off the plow. The Municipality does not clear driveways.
The pushing or blowing of snow onto the municipal road allowance (which includes road, sidewalk, and boulevards) is prohibited. Depositing snow or ice on the street creates hazardous conditions and could result in an accident or injury. Make sure your snow removal contractor is aware this practice is unsafe and not permitted.
Sidewalks are cleared after snow accumulation reaches 8 cm.
Sidewalk clearing is generally completed within 24 hours after the end of a snowfall; however, when we have a heavy snowfall or consecutive storm events back to back it will take longer to clear all sidewalks.
If you live on a corner property and the driveway is close to the corner, you can experience a buildup of more snow on your driveway than your neighbours. This is an unavoidable circumstance caused by the nature of the snow plow and its ability to manoeuvre turns.
Residents who live on a cul-de-sac may sometimes feel their driveways get more snow than driveways on straight roads. Our staff is often asked why the driver cannot plow from the outside into the middle of the cul-de-sac. Plowing from the outside in will not work because as the truck circles the cul-de-sac, snow naturally tends to be pushed to the outside of the court. The driver would be pushing a larger amount of snow into an increasingly smaller area--toward the middle of the cul-de-sac. Eventually, there would be no place to go with all the snow. As with driveways on streets, it is inevitable that some snow comes off the plow. Try to wait until the cul-de-sac has been plowed to clear your driveway and push the snow to the right side (as you face the street).
While operators try to be careful, some degree of damage is unavoidable. Sidewalk plows have to be large enough to move deep, heavy snow. Deep or drifted snow conditions often hide the sidewalk edge and, unfortunately, the plow can cause damage to grass. When the ground is frozen, damage is minimal; however, when the ground is not frozen, it lifts away very easily. To report any damage to your lawn, please call the Municipal Office. Staff will inspect the damage and make repairs in the spring. Note: The Town would like to remind residents to avoid planting trees or garden beds within the road allowance (i.e. near sidewalks/curbs). When in doubt, please call the municipal office at 613-925-2812.
When snow continues to fall over a long period, plows may not be able to immediately clear residential and less-travelled roads as they must continue working to ensure main roads are clear.
When snowfall makes it necessary, the Town clears snow overnight to ensure roads are ready for morning rush hour. Snow removal operations are more efficient at night when there is little road traffic and no cars parked on the streets.
Residents and drivers can help by doing the following:
- Be patient. In heavy snow falls, it takes us longer to get all our streets clear.
- Stay alert, slow down, and stay in control when driving your vehicle.
- Leave room for plows. When you see the blue flashing lights on the winter maintenance equipment, remain a safe distance behind them. Also, never pass a snow plow. This is an extremely dangerous practice.
- Keep parked cars off streets overnight and during snowfall. Winter parking is prohibited on streets from 12 a.m. to 7 a.m. from November 1 to March 31 as per by-law 47-2017, section 7.13.
- Clearing ice and/or snow from walkways and public areas in front of your house, if possible.
- Keep your gas meter clear of snow and ice.
- Make sure your garbage and recycling can be seen and is safely accessible to the Town’s contractor at ground level. Keep a path from the road to your collectibles. If waste is placed on top of a snowbank, the top of your receptacles or garbage bag should be no higher than four feet off the ground. Safe placement of collectibles helps ensure pick-up and avoid worker injury.
- Keep fire hydrants clear and visible.
- Throw snow on your lawn, not on the street. Shovelling snow back onto the street creates unsafe road conditions for motorists and is prohibited by the Highway Traffic Act.
Complete the Compliments, Concerns and Comments form to report any road or sidewalk issues.
To report a snow related concern on Town roads call 613-925-2812, if before the hour of 7:00 a.m. and after the hour of 3:30 p.m., call 1-855-229-5764.
To report a snow related concern on Provincial Highway call 1-855-557-8478.

Town of Prescott
360 Dibble Street West
Prescott, ON
K0E 1T0
Phone: 613-925-2812 X 6219
Fax: 613-925-4381
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