May 2, 2022>
First day to file a Nomination Paper for the offices of Mayor, Councillor or School Board Trustee.
Notice of Public Information Centre - Prescott Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion
Individuals may consider running for one of the following offices:
Mayor – one (1) elected at large
Councillors – 6 (six) elected at large
School Board Trustee – one (1) elected per board
A person is entitled to be a candidate for Mayor or Councillor if they are:
* Despite the above disqualification, MPs, MPPs and Senators may be nominated for municipal office without having to resign their current seat in parliament. However, by 2:00 p.m. on Nomination Day, MPs, MPPs and Senators will be required to resign their current seat should they wish to continue to seek municipal office.
Nomination Papers for all offices may be filed by the Candidate, in person or by an agent acting on the candidate’s behalf at the Municipal Building (Town Hall) commencing Monday, May 2, 2022 during regular office hours. Nomination Papers may not be mailed, faxed or emailed.
Nomination Packages will contain the following:
Candidate Packages are available from the Clerk's Office at the Municipal Building (Town Hall) located at 360 Dibble Street West, Prescott, Ontario, Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
It is recommended that individuals interested in filing nomination material book an appointment prior in order to ensure staff's availability.
Nomination Papers can be summited from 9:00 a.m. until Friday, August 19, 2022 at 2:00 p.m.
If an agent of the candidate is filing the nomination paper, the form must be fully completed prior to filing. The candidate or the agent filing the nomination paper will be required to provide proof of identity.
Candidates cannot raise or spend any money on their campaign until this nomination paper is filed.
Nomination Papers are public documents and are available for inspection at the Clerk's Office.
First day to file a Nomination Paper for the offices of Mayor, Councillor or School Board Trustee.
Nomination Day - Candidates have from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. to file to file a nomination, withdraw a nomination or change office.
Official List of Candidates Posted with any Declarations of Acclamation will be posted by 4:00 p.m.
Voters' List is available to candidates
Last day to provide spending limits to candidates and registered third party advertisers. Last dat to provide final self-contribution limits to candidates running for Mayor and Councillor
Voting Day 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Inaugural Meeting
Section 33(1.4) of the Municipal Act, stated that Subsection (1.1) does not apply to a nomination in a municipality in which the number of electors who were eligible to vote in the previous regular election in the municipality is less than the prescribed number (4,000). In the 2018 municipal election, there were 3,129 eligible electors.
The Municipal Act specifies who can and cannot run for municipal Council. The following individuals are:
The Town of Prescott’s Sign & Display By-Law 16-2019 speaks to where and when election signs can be displayed:
6.21.1 Election Signs on Private Property: No election sign is to be placed within 0.5 meter (1.64’) of a sidewalk, or where there is no sidewalk, within 2.0 meter (6.56’) of the roadway, provided that the sign is not place more than sixty (60) days immediately preceding the election date.
6.21.2 Election Signs on Public Property:
Sections 88.4(1), 88.31 and 88.32 of the Municipal Elections Act speak to campaign surplus.
If a candidate’s financial statement indicates an election campaign surplus at the end of the campaign period, the entire surplus amount shall be paid to the clerk at the time of filing and the clerk shall hold the monies in trust.
If a candidate has a surplus and they or their spouse has made contributions to the campaign, the candidate may (after the campaign period ends but before filing the financial statement) refund themselves or their spouse as long as the amount does not exceed the less of the contributions made or the surplus.
Following any refunds, the clerk will hold the monies in trust until after the compliance audit period has ended (approximately July 2023). Once the audit period has been completed, the surplus amount will become the property of the municipality.
Section 88.22(1)(a) of the MEA provides that “A candidate shall ensure that, no contributions of money are accepted or expenses incurred unless one or more campaign accounts are first opened at a financial institution exclusively for the purposes of the election campaign”.
For the 2022 Municipal Election, election signs can be displayed on private property as of August 25 and on public property September 24.
A credit card can be used to pay campaign expenses, but you need to make sure that the expense on the credit card is paid for out of your election bank account.
Town of Prescott
360 Dibble Street West
Prescott, ON
K0E 1T0
Phone: 613-925-2812
Fax: 613-925-4381
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