Business Notices

Business Notices

Starting January 1st, new provincial legislation excludes the collection of recycling products from industrial, commercial, or institutional properties as part of free weekly collection. Under the new program, recycling collection will be funded and operated by producers of products and packaging rather than by municipalities, as has previously been the case. Circular Materials, a not-for-profit organization, is funded by producers and is responsible for overseeing this transition.

Although this is the existing policy with Prescott’s current recycling program, in some cases businesses were utilizing curbside Blue Box pickup, especially in the downtown core. If you have previously been using curbside recycling for your business, your recycling may not be collected after January 1st. Businesses most likely to be affected are those located in a stand-alone commercial property with no attached residential dwellings. As part of this transition, curbside pickup will also shift from alternating Thursdays to alternating Fridays.

After January 1st, concerns related to issues arising during pickup are to be directed to the contracted provider, Emterra, at 1-888-597-1541 or If your business recycling is not picked up after January 1st, we will be unable to assist you through the curbside pickup program.

Click here for more information about the upcoming recycling program transition.

Notice to Businesses about Sign Permit Requirements and Associated Design Guidelines for Downtown.

Prescott’s Downtown & RiverWalk District Sign Design Guidelines are a tool businesses can use to inform the design of meaningful, high quality signage that positively contributes to Prescott’s visual landscape and placemaking efforts. Signs located within the Downtown Core/RiverWalk District zoning area must comply with the Downtown Sign Design Guidelines and Sign By-Law #16-2019.

Signs that identify particular establishments are an important design element because they give character to public places and contribute to pedestrian scale and ambiance. Signs should be used together with other elements such as hanging baskets, flags, awnings and overhangs to suggest an overhead enclosure that emphasizes the visibility of storefronts at the pedestrian level.

All businesses are required to obtain a sign permit prior to installing new or updating existing signage. 

Click Here to View the Sign Permit Application

Visiting or working in Downtown Prescott?

Remember that there's an enforced two hour parking limit along King Street Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 6 pm.

As well, overnight street parking (12 am to 7 am) is prohibited in Prescott from November 1st until March 31st. Overnight Winter Parking permits are available for select locations through the Town of Prescott, Call 613-925-2812 ext. 6200 or visit Town Hall to book your spot. For more information, visit our Winter Operations page.

Extended free daytime parking is available along side streets and in municipal parking lots throughout the Downtown area, including the Clock Tower parking lot, the RiverWalk Park parking area, and the parking area north of the Prescott Pop-Ups.

Business owners and employees are encouraged to avoid parking on King Street to allow better access for customers and visitors.

Please refer to the map below. Other restrictions may apply, please follow all parking signage.

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